How Jake Kerr changed from getting up late to becoming an early riser, giving him more relaxing, productive and peaceful days after 6 years of struggling with the same problem.


“For 6 years, I’ve had a struggling and very frustrating issue getting out of bed in the morning. I would sleep in and was late for my job on a regular basis. After working with Umar my problem is gone.”

Jake Kerr. 25. Forex Trader & Structural Examiner. Carlisle. UK

What problems were you experiencing?

What was your problem and when did you first realize you had it?

My problem was wanting to get out of bed early, but failing miserably. I realized I had an issue when I was sleeping in for work constantly.

Did your problem occur suddenly or over time?

I had this issue for over 6 years.

What solutions did you try before working with Umar?

I had tried to sleep earlier, but it didn’t happen.

At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?

Once it started to interfere with my work, with me being late all the time.

What helped your decision to work with Umar?

What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?

Umar was very easy to talk to and I felt that his coaching style was exciting and I was willing to try and see if it will help me.

What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?

I actually wasn’t looking for a coach at the time. We had started talking on a networking platform and then I decided to explore further in a conversation with him over the phone when I realized he might be able to help me.

Did you have any hesitations or concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?

No, I didn’t have any concerns. I was excited and initially slightly nervous as I knew we would be working with both my conscious and unconscious mind. Once we started though I quickly realized it was easy and much simpler than I thought. 

Did you look at other competitors & why did you select our product & service over them?

I didn’t look at other competitors or anyone else from Umar’s field. After speaking with him I felt he could help me which was enough for me to know.

What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?

I felt Umar was very interesting and a trustworthy professional who could help me.

How did working with Umar help solve your problem?

What was your experience like during the session?

During a session it would be both light-hearted, jovial and also introspective and illuminating. During a session and afterwards, I could tell they were having a positive impact on my personal life.

What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?

Along with updating my sleep and wake habits, he brought to light an issue early on in my life that was in part responsible for my sleeping and waking up issues which he also helped me resolve.

How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?

He helped me make needed changes to my sleep and wake habits as well as resolve an unconscious issue that was holding me back. As a result, I was able to sleep and wake up on time as I wanted to. He used his combination of sleep science and NLP to help uncover and remove unconscious limitations I had that were holding me back.

What happened the moment you realised the coaching was working to solve your problem?

I was getting up two hours before I needed to be at work which also led to me being more productive overall daily.

What did you like, find interesting or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?

I found that his understanding and knowledge on how the conscious and unconscious mind worked and influenced my day to day living was really interesting as it was something I was unaware of before.

How much time and stress did you save as a result?

Once I was up early I was proactive and on time for work which led to a smoother day and getting a lot of stuff done.

What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?

He helped me eliminate the morning rush I used to have when I slept in, which would also lead to a stressful day.

What results did you see?

How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?

When I wake up early I am using my time wisely which takes a lot of stress out of the day. Also, when I am up early I get tired at a reasonable time in the evening, which puts me into a good healthy sleeping pattern.

How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?

Umar used his NLP skills and knowledge of sleep science and research to help me change any habits, thoughts and behaviors that were stopping me from achieving my goal.

Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?

Yes, my issue got resolved.

What positive results have you seen?

Getting up early lets me have a really good positive day and I can achieve my targets set out for that day. This, in turn, helps me emotionally and I feel I have had a productive day, which makes me feel more relaxed and less stressed.

Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?

Yes, I would definitely recommend working with him. Not only is Umar great at his job he is so friendly as well, which is very important in this industry as many people including myself are skeptical about what is possible for themselves. He is also highly professional and has been a great help to me in achieving my goals so I would definitely recommend anyone to work with Umar.